Oct 31, 2013

Preparing for the fair

Lately I've been busy preparing to exhibit at the Royal Winter Fair which happens the second weekend of November for us. My folks are going to tend the booth for the five days and I'll join them for the weekend. It's usually a very good venue for us and thanks to FedNor it's very affordable for us to go. 
Since the CFIA requires nutrition facts labels of products these days I've been making labels for our three syrups: 100% Pure Boreal Birch Syrup, Boreal Birch Maple Syrup Blend, and Boreal Sweetened Birch Syrup. A lot of math has been involved and a lot more time on the computer. In the end I've had my labels approved by the CFIA and last night I was up late getting them printed. 
I ended up buying a label printer which thus far I'm really pleased with. The labels aren't as glossy and nice as
the previous ones but much less expensive. 

I wish I had bought this thing 8 years ago. After the initial investment of the printer the cost of labels will now be so much less than getting the work done through a professional printer. If the CFIA is happy with it, so am I.