Apr 13, 2012

Chicken Tractor

I've had trouble keeping up with the previous blog "All from one tree" because life took me in a different direction and woodworking has fallen off for now. We bought our farm on Townline in August 2010. The place came with a llama, some sheep and chickens. The chickens and some of the sheep are in the freezer or moved to other farms. We now have just three ewes and Esther. Soon though we'll be getting 30 layer hens from Sleepy G Farm and 30 broilers from the hatchery, and hopefully some lambs later in the spring. With the meat birds on the way I prepared for them by building a "chicken tractor".

Perhaps not the most descriptive term, but essentially it's a moveable shelter for the birds. We'll move the tractor each day to provide the chickens with fresh pasture to munch on an scavenge about. It has handles on all four sides to pull it into place. I may need to throw some wheels on if it proves difficult to move.

Since the birds aren't going to be here until June I figured I might try turning the shelter into a greenhouse til then by covering it with some plastic I had sitting around. The result is a pretty solid greenhouse meant to give the veggies a kickstart.